OSU Rate of Heat Release Apparatus
25.853 (a-1), FAA Fire Test Handbook – Chapter 5; ASTM E906 Standard Test
Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products
The Rate of Heat Release Apparatus is used to expose aircraft
interior cabin materials to an incident radiant heat flux of 35 kW/m2, to
comply with FAR 25.853 [a-1] requirements.
FTT Rate
of Heat Release Apparatus incorporates comprehensive safety features and is
fully equipped to provide reliable test data for both FAA and ASTM tests. The
apparatus, built in accordance with Chapter 5 of the FAA Fire Test Handbook is
provided in three parts: test chamber, control unit and data acquisition and
analysis system. It consists of:
Stainless steel insulated test chamber, with gasketed door
and viewing window
Matched set glow bars elements as heat source (with
corrosion-resistant stainless steel housing)
Dual glo-bar power controllers for ease of heat flux
uniformity adjustment
Upper pilot, lower pilot with spark ignition and calibration
methane gas burners
Thermopile for heat measurement, with five hot thermocouple
junctions in chimney and five cold thermocouple junctions in the air
Air distribution system and exhaust stack
Specimen holder, with pressure plate, mounting bracket and
drip pan
Stand-alone control unit housed in 19" rack, with:
- Thyristor control for radiant heat source
- Flow control for burners
- Controls for air supply system
Calibration heat flux meter
Software, interface, computer and laser printer
fire testing technology, FTT