
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Structural and Materials Testing Highway and Bridge Inspection Asphalt Micromechanical Testing Fluorescence Microscopy Research-level upright fluorescence microscope
Research-level upright fluorescence microscope


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Research-level upright fluorescence microscope MF43-N

MF43-N is a research-grade fluorescence microscope latest developed by Mshot with equivalent performance to Olympus BX43. The microscope adopts excellent quality infinity optical system and maximum fit to six fluorescence filter cubes. Meanwhile, the microscope can expand to multiple observation methods of phase contrast, dark field, polarizing and DIC observation. It is compatible with electrical stage and device. Function of light intensity manager controls brightness eliminates light intensity adjustments when switching magnifications.The microscope is standard used for laboratory and clinical microscopy especially FISH, FRET and CTC.

  • LIM function:The light intensity manager sets brightness settings according to the specific objective.

  • Light action and low torque stage reduced operator force to move the specimen.

  • Modular design and environmental friendly LED light source providing 5-channels excitation lighting.

  • Super wide field of view observation tube offers FN26.5.

  • Flexible expand with dark field, phase contrast, DIC and polarizing functions.

  • Research grade fluorescence microscopy observation such FISH, FRET and CTC.

  • Bright field applications of pathlogy, clinical, medical research and etc.

  • Phase contrast observation of cell, living bacteria and other trasparent specimens.

  • Dark field observation method for tiny details.

  • Felxible expand with DIC components for 3D imaging.

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