
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Rock & Soil Testing Laboratory Soil Testing Soil Mechanical Properties Internal Submersible Load Cells
Internal Submersible Load Cells


Use:measuring compressive loads from 0.5 to 100kN and can be fitted into new or existing triaxial chambers


GDS has 3 types of submersible load cells which has been designed for measuring compressive loads from 0.5 to 100kN and can be fitted into new or existing triaxial chambers. It has a unique feature in that pressure does not effect the load reading therefore corrections for ram upthrust and friction of the ram do not need to be made.

An essential addition to any triaxial cell for those customers striving to achieve greater accuracy of measurement.

  • Unique product, designed by GDS, only available from GDS.
  • Compensates for pressure, i.e. load reading remains unaffected throughout pressure range of use.
  • No need to correct for ram upthrust (as required with external load cells).
  • No need to correct for ram friction (as required with external load cells).

Project Case
GDS Instruments,GDS