
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Rock & Soil Testing Laboratory Soil Testing Soil Mechanical Properties GDS LVDT Local Strain Transducers
GDS LVDT Local Strain Transducers


Use:The GDS LVDT Local Strain Transducers provide on-sample small strain measurements of axial and radial strain.


The GDS LVDT Local Strain Transducers provide on-sample small strain measurements of axial and radial strain. Accurate determination of soil stiffness is difficult to achieve in routine laboratory testing. Conventionally, stiffness of a triaxial test specimen is based on external measurements of displacement which include a number of extraneous movements.

True soil strains can be masked by deflections which originate in the compliances of the loading system and load measuring system. Such equipment compliance errors add to a variety of sample bedding effects to give a poor definition of the stress-strain behaviour of the material under test, particularly over the small strain range. Most triaxial tests therefore tend to give apparent soil stiffnesses far lower than those inferred from field behaviour (Jardine, Symes & Burland, 1984).

Project Case
GDS Instruments,GDS