Use:It is designed for conducting CPT’s in any terrain as the track system guarantees traction under the harshest conditions paired with the lowest possible ground pressure.
Standard:GB 50021-2001,JTS133-2013,JTG_C20-2014,TB 10012-2007,GB 50307-2012,JGJ 340-2015,ASTM D5778 - 12,ISO 22476-1:2012,IDT
Geomil Equipment Panther series are fully ballasted and completely enclosed, track mounted Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) system.
It is designed for conducting CPT’s in any terrain as the track system guarantees traction under the harshest conditions paired with the lowest possible ground pressure. This, combined with its deadweight, results in unmatched efficiency.
The Panther comes in 3 different weight classes, that are further customizable by adding ballast:
? Panther-100 (100 to 130 kN push capacity)
? Panther-130 (130 to 160 kN push capacity)
? Panther-170 (170 to 200 kN push capacity)
The Panther is available in two configurations:
? Classic, robust and easy to handle with manual hydraulic controls
? Premium, the state-of-the-art solution with advanced and fully automated HMI control